Post written by :Jayjay Folayan
The doors open, you walk in with your friends. You’ve all got matching tees/jeans/shoes/hairstyles or are just coordinating colors. Everything is in slow mo. People gasp and gush as they look at you. That’s right, you’re with your squad.
Being part of and maintaining a squad is not easy as it looks. Don’t get me wrong, I am an advocate of interacting with everyone and anyone, but sometimes you need to surround yourself with people that understand you and understand themselves.
There are basically two types of people:
       i.          SOCIAL: They are interactive, fun loving and free. They know how to make friends and how to keep them. They are very lively and make good friends because you’ll never want to leave them.
     ii.          ANTI-SOCIAL: They are sometimes shy and timid. They don’t know how to make friends, but know how to keep them. They are friendly but don’t like association. They are good friends because they’ll never want to leave you.

People might have the characteristics of both, but one is more dominant than the other.
Every squad has/needs at least one or more of these types of people
1.      BEAUTY: The fashionista. The one who knows what to wear, when to wear it and how to wear it. The one others stop to stare at. The one who everyone wants to be friends with. Usually social.
2.      BRAINY: The geek. If you want or need to know something, he/she is the go to person. The reader, the one who gets started on assignments while the others are still searching for a topic. Usually anti-social
3.      BRAWN: Super athletic with model like features. Knows the impact his body has on people and uses it to the max.
4.      VOICE OF REASON: The wise old owl. The one who every other person in the squad gets advice from. The one who calculates risks before taking it. The voice of reason when everything is chaotic.
5.      ODDBALL: Has absolutely no reason to be in the squad, but is there anyway. Doesn’t really have many things in common with people other squad members, but is cool. Usually anti-social
6.      SOCIAL BUTTERFLY: Knows what’s happening, where it’s happening, why it’s happening, how it’s happening. The social media genius. The go-to-guy for what’s hip and trending. Very Social.
7.      MIX-MATCH: The one that has a little bit of everything but doesn’t have some things. The crazy, fun-loving, happy-go-lucky one.
NOTE: People might have one or more of these personalities.

1.      DO HAVE THINGS IN COMMON: Like poles attract. Some come together because they are interested in a particular subject or have the same work ethic; but it is highly important to have at least 60% things in common with your squad members (even the oddball).
2.      DO HAVE THINGS NOT IN COMMON: Unlike poles also attract. There is unity in diversity. Having different views on certain issues, will enable you to understand other people’s point of view. Moreover, you are not supposed to associate yourself with clones.
3.      DON’T BE CLINGY: You are under no obligation to spend all your time with your squad. You will be suffocated and bore each other out. Your honeymoon phase will burn out faster than a campfire under the rain. Give each other space.
4.      DON’T BE TOO FAR APART: I know I just said give yourself space, but not Texas sized. Call each other, chat, text once in a while. Let each other know you’re there.
5.      DON’T EVER TAKE SIDES. EVER!!!: Rifts and arguments are bound to happen (if they don’t, have your whole squad checked), but never take sides. I know you are bound to be closer to one person than the others, or owe one person an eternal favour but don’t take sides. If you must, then you must be unbiased in your judgment.
6.      DO HAVE HEALTHY COMPETITION: Help each other out. Some of you might be better in certain things than others, try to carry others along. Develop each other’s skills. Don’t be envious of someone’s ability. For the one thing they have, you have two things they don’t have.
7.      DON’T DATE EACH OTHER: I know how hard that can be especially when you’re in a mixed squad. Feelings might start to develop. You might attempt if you’re willing to jeopardize your existing friendship with the person. Just note that:
a.      he or she might reject you,
b.      if and when you’re in a relationship and you quarrel, you will force your friends to pick sides, and
c.      most importantly, it is rare for exes who hang around the same people to be cool with each other.
8.      DO HAVE GROUP ACTIVITIES: Other than wearing the same clothes or coordinating find what you all enjoy doing. Apart from  the stereotypical going to the movies or the mall you can go on a trip, have a study group, have discussions (meaningful discussions) on topics bordering Religion or Politics or societal values.

9.      DON’T BE A SNITCH BITCH: What happens in the squad stays in the squad. Don’t go telling your bestie 10 miles away what you and your squad do. You might say a few things but What Happens In The Squad Stays In The Squad.


  1. Hahahaha....😂😂😂👏👏👏🙌 This is true... So true! I'm guessing I'm the "voice of reason"... Nice one! I enjoyed this 🙌👏

  2. Cool. This is a confirmation I read ur lovely article.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nyc article Joke... Unlike some unreasonable articles dat dont av anytin to impact dis is very useful... Carry on dear.. ������


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