post by jayjay Folayan

 Spring break is over and it’s the end of April, which means we’re in the middle of spring and summer is calling. Some of us are already anticipating summer. Well since most of us have broken our new year resolutions, get out your pen and paper, iPads, iPhones, Androids, Microsoft phones and make a new resolution; a summer resolution of things to do to make your summer fantastic. Here are 10 things to do before summer:

1.      PLAN UP: Have a plan of what you want to do during the summer, hen night, shopping for school in fall, going on a road trip. Doing it with friends would be fun. Have goals you want to achieve by the end of summer (apart from making it best summer ever!!!)
2.      RESEARCH UP: It’s not enough to plan. You also have to do research on what you are going to do. If you’re going on a trip, you have to know how much it costs. If it’s a summer job, or an internship, you have to do research on your options, their qualifications etc.

3.      SAVE UP: Road trips don’t just happen. In other to visit that tourist centre, host that party, even if it just a whole day of fun you obviously need cash. Start saving up. If you still don’t have enough, you can bank on your parents. They would be happy that you’re already learning how to economize. If you’re working, you and I know you can do without that little black dress, that vintage shirt and those killer pumps for now.

4.      SHOP UP: You had better start buying things you might need for the summer. Those swimsuits that are to die for. Sunscreen, sunglasses, sun hats. Just in case, you might probably want to buy them close to the end of spring or the beginning of summer. You might have added or lost weight and if it’s a product, it might have melted or expired.

5.      SHAPE UP: Some of us are already fantasizing about that bikini body that will never happen, because we seat and lay all day on our asses. Get to work, jog, lose excess fat (I said excess fat not weight, don’t be bulimic your body will hate you for it. Moreover, your bikini won’t fit you). Go to the gym, get exercise and if your body doesn’t fit into the bikini of your choice, it will fit in a bikini. If they don’t like your sexy plus sized body in a one or two piece, fuck them!!

6.      WORK UP: If you would like to get a summer job or internship, you most likely would need good grades. So read up and get good grades so you’ll have excellent grades. If you’re from my side of the world, you have to read to avoid “Summer School” and Makeup tests which will occur during the summer. If you’re working get most of your work done, so you can get your leave during the summer.

7.      EAT UP: If like me you’re skinny and don’t want to look like a skeleton during summer, eat up. Don’t over eat or you might end up looking like a bloated fish. Moderation is key. Don’t eat junks, eat good food, fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of water.

I believe if you follow this tips, you’ll have the best summer ever! except you’ve been hexed. If you have other tips, you could share them with Miss Jayjay via her  email jayjayfolayan90@gmail.com


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