This post was written by BigJohny.You can follow him on IG @bigjohnydatalkative

I asked someone Yesterday, "if I would buy you how much would you sell yourself?"The person said 'I'm priceless'

No offence taken tho, Now, let's take a look at these people;

Pogba left man United for a fee of about £1m and came back after 5 years with a fee of about £89m, his Jerseys they sold was around £46m, almost half the amount he was bought and you're still saying you're priceless?

Jenifa takes around 2m to feature in a movie, the last time she came to UNILORIN, she didn't even stay for up to 2 hours and was paid around 600k and you're still talking about being priceless?

Musiliu Aruna Ishola and his entire band would take probably #600k to performm over night in a show and Ace Nigerian Musical Act, Olamide collects around 3m for just 1 hour, you still think you're priceless?

The last time Basket mouth Comedian went to Japan, he went there not even for a show but as a birthday gift. The man's wife loves his performances and the man decided to make Basket the present and he charged him per hour and you're priceless?

Christiano Ronaldo insured just his legs, not the entire body I mean just his two legs only for huge amount of money, you're still priceless right?

When Nelson Mandela died,the Queen of England and about 150 presidents of countries around the globe attended his burial ceremony and you're still saying you're priceless?

I'd end with this, I read the profile of The girl with the most expensive virginity in the world, she's just 25 and has a BSc, MSc and PhD from one of the best schools in the world. Her virginity is just like any other lady's and they still say it's the most expensive you still think you're priceless?

I don't have a problem with people who say they are priceless, but being priceless still means either you're actually invaluable, you don't know what you're worth yet or you're worth nothing. So in the real sense, you're being priceless has a price tag.

Looking at these people, as priceless as they look, when it comes to what they do they're bought with a wasn't about the price, it was about the value that brought about the price. You cannot fail to invest in yourself and you'd want someone else to pay, appreciate or invest in you.

Look inward and ask yourself 'if someone would invest their time or money in my life Based on what I do and how I do it, how much would the person invest' whatever you conclude in your mind is what your price looks like.

It doesn't matter the price tag on you, a watermelon is worth 2 times when it's in a mall than when it's hawked in a traffic jam, start adding value to your life, upgrade yourself, be better at what you do and grow, so that when next you tell someone 'you're PRICELESS, YOU ACTUALLY ARE'
Have a great week ahead.

My name is Bigjohny Da Talkative
I just want to make uncommon sense
BBM 58CC73D0
IG @bigjohnydatalkative
WhatsApp 08060719468


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