Hey lovelies! I'm finally done with the session and i'm back home, chilling and waiting for breakfast right now.A new post has been long due. So, here's what's on my mind right now.
I think many of us try to plan and micromanage everything in life to a ridiculous extent these days.  Don’t get me wrong, I wished i had a good to-do list to keep me on track throughout the day, week,month heck, even a year because i have to be reminded to do things. but sometimes I think it’s better to lay off the planning just a teeny tiny bit. It’s too easy to spend hours planning and making lists only to feel like you haven’t actually achieved anything afterwards.
Trying to force ideas just doesn’t work for me most of the time.  Personally, I’m far more likely to have a lightbulb moment or a brain blast moment mid conversation, or whilst watching the world go by.  Pinterest, Instagram and magazines are all well and good, but sometimes you need to let inspiration come to you rather than actively seek it.  I’m mainly talking about ideas in relation to blogging right now, but the same happens to me when I’m stuck on a maths problem or anything – staring at the same blank page trying to think of another method just. doesn’t. work.  I need to step back and be "without focus "for a while.
Productivity is such a buzzword at the minute, and a buzzword I regularly use myself.  We want to get the most out of our days by ticking off as many tasks as possible, with the aim of doing more, more, more.  Blogging absolutely plays into this; as a blogger your work is never really complete, and there’s always someone telling you what else you ‘should’ be doing.  The to-do list is never ending, so it’s no wonder being super-productive is the aim.  As somebody in the unfortunate position of not being able to give  quite a lot of my time to blogging, I’ve found that productivity really is a difficult one to master.  I’m not a lazy person( I'm on energy saving mode lol)but I sure as hell am a procrastinator, and it seems the harder I try to be so productive, the less I actually achieve.  When I stop trying, ideas flow far easier.  Life, eh.
What I guess I’m trying to say is, I think I’ll try to stop fretting about being productive, and spend more time doing things that will likely provide me with inspiration too.  Or what do you guys think?


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