Heyyyyy my people!!! How are you guys doing? I hope you feel Amazing! If not,it will be alright las las. I’m on the toilet seat writing this. Too much information abi?lol. I’m feeling like I need to motivate myself and others right now and that’s why I decided to share this with you all. Before I
proceed,thank you guys so freaking much for not getting bored reading what I put out on this blog. Thank you for the motivation to keep writing. It’s been hell of a long ass time I did a giveaway. I’d do another one very soon on my Instagram page @hassy_ahmed. Follow me so you wouldn’t miss out and look at my pictures lol. Before I start to talk plenty,let’s get on with the purpose of this post.
I was thinking about Dalai Lama’s popular quote “Don’t let behavior of others destroy your inner peace”
And it occurred to me. We can’t actually make anyone act right or treat you right or act kind.The only thing we can control is our reaction towards the issue and that tells a lot about who we are as a person. There are people in this life that were made to frustrate your entire existence,bring you down by all means possible.No matter how good a person you are,there are people that want to tear you down. By the way,I’m not in the toilet anymore. It’s not there I will die.I want to tell you and also myself(I like to give myself some pep talk) that regardless of whatever is said or done to you,no matter how much it hurt you,try to take the high road-continue to act with kindness and hella integrity that they begin to wonder if you are human. Inner peace is so important. It is not easy at all especially when you find yourself in an environment or situation that is just draining your energy like Service providers drain your data.
I’m not here to tell you I don’t retaliate at times. At times,that’s all I want to do and I do it. After all,I’m not an ode now. But anytime I find myself doing exactly what the person is doing to me,I stop. “I wouldn’t be this person” I say to myself. Trust me,you are not stupid. I’ve been apologizing a lot lately and I’ve found out that it helps me a lot to find inner peace. Well,it’s because of someone very important in my life right now and I’m thankful for that.There was a time I would rather eat shit than say sorry to another human. People say they won’t let someone who isn’t significant in their lives do them like shit. Please,significant or not,do not let them drain you of your amazing energy.
We have all had someone say something that does not reflect who we truly are, but sometimes we give it so much power that we allow it to define us.I remember back then in school,like three occasions,I found myself in a situation where something went missing and they began to search people. As usual,I didn’t let them search me. Why? You think it’s pride? Nah. I was little but I knew I wasn’t a thief and the fact that I was to be searched meant I was a potential thief lol! That didn’t go well with me because I knew who I was. Even my friends began to wonder if I stole it. When I hear things about me,which is 99% of the time,false,my reaction to them is “Okay”I don’t let it get to my head because I can’t let what others think of me define me as a person. I cannot come and kill myself.You cannot come and kill me too. If you allow others to define who you are, you are giving them the power to dictate where your path will lead.
Oftentimes, we find shame in the criticisms and judgments we’ve faced, so, we keep them to ourselves. After all, they’ve already hindered us enough. Why expose such raw feelings?It can be therapeutic in not only bringing it to the surface, but in sharing it with another person who can be there for you and serve as a support system.
It’s easy to get so caught up in what others say that we begin to see ourselves in that light. Don’t lose sight of who you truly are and the unique qualities you’ve built within yourself.
As I go about my days, form new relationships,encounter obstacles, and celebrate accomplishments in life, I take the time to remind myself of who I’ve come to be on my own terms, not who other people have deemed me to be. And I say to myself “You are a great person,Hassanah.Don’t ever forget that” I dare you to say it to yourself whenever you doubt who you are(remove my own name sha lol). Thank you for reading 


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