Heyyyyyy my loves! It feels so weird here.I've been away for the longest time and i apologise. Omg! a lot has happened since i last came on here but that's a conversation for another daylol. I turned 22! And as usual, here are 22 things i learned before turning 22. Enjoy!
  1. You can force things all you want but don’t stress over things you know ain’t meant to be because what is meant to be won’t require you stressing out so much.
  2. Exercise isn’t stress. It is great for all round cardiovascular health. It isn’t about losing weight. It’s about keeping fit. Your sedentary lifestyle can kill you.
  3. Listen to your parents. 
  4. Being Ignorant is lame. Learn more about the world and the people in it; recognize that there is more to life than the life we were all brought up living in.
  5. “Kill them with kindness” isn’t cheesy. It’s the best. when people act unkindly, it’s because they want to get a reaction out of you. If you don’t give them anything to feed off of, their plan dissolves.
  6. Save your money!
  7. Smile. No matter how unchangable your situation is. 
  8. Never settle.Be it love, friendship, or a job. Never settle for something that doesn’t make you happy.
  9. Life is really so short.
  10. Overthinking is exhausting, and it’s usually a complete waste of time.
  11. It’s okay to be different.
  12. There are always two sides to every story; NEVER listen to only one side and make a conclusion.
  13. Always keep your guard up, and expect anything from anyone, no matter how good/bad they are; people will always surprise you. That’s why you should never trust anyone but yourself.
  14. You will make it through whatever you are going through right now.
  15. The only person you can truly rely on is yourself because, at the end of the day, you are all you have.
  16. Change is good. It can be scary and overwhelming at times, but it’s how we grow and become better versions of ourselves. 
  17. Just because someone fancies you doesn’t mean you’re obligated to have feelings for them.
  18. People’s opinions matter, but it won’t always match yours.It’s important to understand that you will have differing opinions with people in your life, but that’s okay. 
  19. GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE AND TRY NEW THINGS. Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. You’ll grow so much as a person by trying new things that make you scared. 
  20. If you want to live a more meaningful life, you have to try and find the learning opportunity in every moment – whether good or bad.
  21. Always follow your gut.
  22. Practicing regular gratitude is a life changer. It keeps you grounded, brings you joy and puts things into perspective.


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