
Showing posts from January, 2018


The definition of a Strong Woman, to me, is a woman who can make the right moves, even when she is afraid and doubtful. She may not have all the answers, but she trusts in herself and the natural cycle of life. I know this is easier said than done. The reason why it is hard for us to let go is because we have been taught that hope is a good emotion and motivator to live with. I’m here to tell you that hope is a destroyer of your true self and purpose. Women use hope to do things that are not for their greatest good. We stay in abusive relationships because we hope one day they will change. We hope we will get the job we want, the house, the relationship… the list goes on but I'd stop here.


Hey guys!! I'm back with another post. Obviously. Lol. I saw this on another blog and it inspired me to write mine. Read on 😊 1.  Do something out of your comfort zone.  I mean really out of your comfort zone. Whatever that means for you. They will  scare you but it will help you realize what you want out of life in a major way and push you to realize more about yourself. 2.  Read a book that challenges you or changes your mind.  Reading in general is stimulating and teaches us so much. To me, a book that helps you adjust your thinking or opinion is a bonus. 3.  Set a goal for yourself.  Big, little, it doesn’t matter. Have both, in my opinion. When you set goals for yourself you’re more likely to actually achieve them. Your dreams aren’t just going to happen. You have to go after them.