Hey guys! How is it going? Great, I hope. So, 27th of April, 2017, I turned 19! Aye, I feel old af. This might seem weird to some people, but I don’t wanna grow up right now! It’s a trap! For me, 19 is the new 16. Sweet 16. Let’s just go with that.
But, I’m so glad and grateful to be 19 and I’m glad I get to share my birthdays with my amazing, creative, innovative twin brother. Looking back, I’m proud of what I have accomplished and I hope I continue to do more. Some of the birthday wishes I got, in a way, reminded/encouraged me to keep moving and that is exactly what I am going to do.
When I was 18, I assured myself of somethings and I’m glad things are working out as planned. My blog is stepping up, I just released a new collection for my t-shirt line, Styled By Hassy, I mean, the grades are much better, I keep meeting dope people.

Here are 19 things that I am thankful for as a recently turned 19 year old.

  1. Mummy is always right: If you like, deny it at a point in time, you will figure out she is always right. Just accept it.
  2. Always take initiative: Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and act upon your ambitions. Be confident.
  3. Don’t be afraid of change because it is bound to happen: Do not get upset with the idea of change. I have learned that change is inevitable and you have to accept it whether you like it or not.
  4. Ponmo can be the answer: This does not need an explanation. Ponmo alata, ponmo inside soup, raw ponmo, they are all gifts from God, I swear.
  5. Always ask questions; random or not: Life is crazy, question it.
  6. If you want something, go for it. Nothing good comes easy.
  7. Find friends that bring out the best in you. Friends should make you happy. You don’t need negativity and unnecessary drama. Be with people that genuinely support you.
  8. Find what makes you happy. Try new things. You may not be the best, but practice and you could be close.
  9. Take a nap. School is tiring. Biko, rest.
  10. Call your family even, if it’s for a minute.
  11. Never take momma’s cooking for granted: Nothing can compare to home cooked meals, so always cherish them because there will be a time you can’t have them every day.
  12. Take accountability for your wrongdoings: We all make mistakes, so it’s perfectly okay.
  13. Pushing yourself outside for your comfort zone makes things exciting!
  14. Take risks.
  15. Believe in yourself, always. Confidence is key.
  16. Save money: This is important. It’s not easy sha but we will all learn.
  17. Never be scared to tell someone how you feel. The truth hurts but it is better than lying. Be honest.
  18. Most people at 19 don’t have a step by step plan so don’t worry. Take it small small and set realistic goals for yourself.
  19. Travel whenever you get the chance.


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