Forgotten truths

Hi! What's going on? I hope you are doing amazing! If not, I'm sorry. You'd be fine. I promise. Take my words for it.
So, I'm here on my unmade bed after a stressful day. Actually, it has been some stressful past days. Anyways, I'm listening to my playlist at the moment which is not more than five songs and I just decided to share somethings I found while reading and thought might be helpful. Another person that inspired this post is Ope, my classmate who gave me a subtle attack to post on my blog so, enjoy!

We have really not come to terms with our feelings. We are elated by what love is about and what life would bring towards us. But the truth is love and life hurts sometimes and we are not really ready for this pain .
In our heads, pain is disastrous so why should we want to feel this disaster.
We need to feel this inevitable pain as we need to feel loved. You can learn how strong you really are when you don't have any other choice than being strong.
Its how you handle the things that are killing you inside. You should be able to feel pain, endure pain, own your scars to grow into the truest version of yourself.
Life is amazing but it isn't perfect. This is cheesy but true; Life isn't perfect but we can have an imperfect life with radical amazement.
To be able to look around, what you have achieved, your loved ones around you and be all round grateful is extraordinary.
Do not let the bitterness steal your sweet soul.
Fear is only as deep as you let your mind allow. Acknowledge it and take control. Take control by addressing it.
Life isn't necessarily any easier or harder than you thought. It's just that it's not how you anticipated it. This makes life more interesting.
Sigmund Freud said "Most people do not really want freedom,because freedom involves responsibility and most people are frightened of responsibility". When you blame others for what you're going through, you deny responsibility. As soon as you stop making everyone and everything responsible for your happiness,you will become happier.. your happiness should depend on your willingness to take responsibility for your life regardless of who had a hand in making it how it is..
Life is better when you are smiling. Being positive when things are negative is a sign of strength. When you have so much to cry about, you are smiling. That is strength. Be thankful because at the end of the day, it's not happiness that makes us thankful, but thankfulness that makes us happy.
They say a patience dog eats the fattest bone but patience is not about waiting. It's about keeping a good attitude when working hard for what you believe in. Every stone you move is progress.
Sometimes we look to others to validate our progress. Pave your own unique path. The word 'success' is relative. You don't have to be loud to be impressive. You don't have to be famous to be significant. You are already worth so much. You just have to believe.
You can be very humble and still be very effective. Just because people don't fall at your feet does not make you a failure. Quiet success is just as sweet as loud success. Success is how you define it not what everyone else says it must be for you.
You are not alone! People are going through it! I am going through it. People around me are going through it. There's always someone who can relate to you.
From me to you, be tougher when life is tough. You will get through it.


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