DROP IT IN 2016.

(Post by Kunle Myk)

So it’s the end of 2016 and I must say that this year has been an eventful one, controversies and happenings everywhere. It’s been a wonderful year and I'm sure at the beginning of this year most people made “new year resolutions” and most people didn’t keep to these resolutions. 2017 is around the corner and I'm sure most people have their new year resolutions already. As soon as 2017 begins I won’t be surprised to start hearing “New Year, New Me” from people. However, there are some habits most people need to drop this 2016 and I know I'm guilty of some of these habits, I tag it “DROP IT IN 2016”

Reaching out to people only when you Need their Help – This is a habit most people possess, some people don’t see it as something bad but it’s actually not right when you probably talk to someone only when you need something from them and you don’t talk to them till the next time you need something else. This act is bad, ‘Drop It in 2016”

People that say “I’ll Get Back to You” but end up not getting back – This can be funny and also annoying. Imagine you contact someone and the person replies you with “I’ll get back to you” and you keep waiting for them endlessly without any response from them, then you decide to contact them again just for them to say they had forgotten. Sometimes we forget somethings but if you know you won’t remember to get back to someone give them their response immediately or tell them to remind you. Sometimes, people might need you to get back to them urgently while you don’t “Drop It in 2016”

People that are Always Asking for N5, N10, 20 – Giving is a good deed, its actually right when you give but you shouldn’t be at the receiving end all the time. To some people this act might be nothing to them but it can be annoying sometimes when someone keeps asking you for this little amount claiming they don’t have change. To an extent you can always predict they will do this anytime you’re with them. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask for money from friend or families when you’re not boxed up but too much of it doesn’t seem right. “Drop It in 2016”

People that Always Complain about other people’s Posts on Social Media – we all have different preferences, what might seem right to you, might be wrong to me. Complaining about someone’s post online might not be a bad one but doing it all the time can be bad. We are all entitled to our opinions, if you feel someone expresses his or her opinion wrongly you can correct them but why correct all the time when you can just overlook or unfollow the person. If you are always finding fault in other people’s opinion “Drop It in 2016”

People Who Never Keep to Time – if you have an outing with some people for 9AM and you call them by 8:50AM they might not be ready but claim they are already on their way, close to you. 9:30AM, they are nowhere to be found. When they finally appear 10AM they’ll have an excuse to give which might be intangible. People should learn to be time conscious, if you never keep to time “Drop It in 2016”

Procrastination: Procrastination they say is the theft of time. If you have something to do, why postpone it? We should always learn to do the right thing at the right time. If you’re always procrastinating “Drop It in 2016”

People who Feel their Opinions Are Always the Best – We learn every day; nobody is an island of knowledge. We should always learn to listen to the opinion of other people even if we feel yours is the best, learn to listen. When it comes to argument, some people are never ready to succumb even if they are wrong. “Drop It in 2016”

People who Are Always Owing – This might be funny but some people are fond of owing money, some people go to the extent of begging to get the money but when it gets to time to pay back, they are nowhere to be found. When you borrow money from someone always learn to return it at the right time, if you can’t return it when you’re supposed to let the person you’re owing know you still have them in mind. “Drop It in 2016”

Making Empty and False Promises –  Some people can promise heaven and earth while they know they can’t fulfil these promises. It’s bad when you make false promises. We should learn to keep to our words and always act right. If you fond of making empty and false promises “Drop It in 2016”

Getting Angry over unnecessary Things – Mood swings happen to people sometimes, we tend to have this change in attitude but we shouldn’t transfer it to others. We should all learn to be patient. In life, people will always annoy us but we don’t have to get angry to every little thing. Some people react to every negative attitudes towards them. Learning to act right is one thing people should learn, getting angry over unnecessary things is something people should “Drop It in 2016”

Unnecessary Laziness and Unnecessary Attitude – I term these things as unnecessary because somethings can be unnecessary. We all get lazy sometimes but some laziness and attitudes can be termed as unnecessary. For example, as a girl, a guy walks up to you and ask of your name, and you shun him instead of telling him your name or answering him politely that you can’t answer or someone tells you to do something because its within your reach but you tell them no because of laziness. “Drop It in 2016”

Reading all These and not Acting Right – All the things I stated above, most of us are guilty of them including me but reading all these and still not acting act is one thing we should leave in 2016, some of us are fond of getting corrections but not making use of them. Let’s learn to act right. 

2017 is around the corner, loads of things to celebrate but let’s not get into a new year with bad habits or behaviors that are not right.
Have a BlissfuSo it’s the end of 2016 and I must say that this year has been an eventful one, controversies and happenings everywhere. It’s been a wonderful year and am sure at the beginning of this year most people made “new year resolutions” and most people didn’t keep to these resolutions. 2017 is around the corner and am sure most people have their new year resolutions already. As soon as 2017 begins I won’t be surprised to start hearing “New Year, New Me” from people. However, there are some habits most people need to drop this 2016 and I know am guilty of some of these habits, I tag it “DROP IT IN 2016”

Reaching out to people only when you Need their Help – This is a habit most people possess, some people don’t see it as something bad but it’s actually not right when you probably talk to someone only when you need something from them and you don’t talk to them till the next time you need something else. This act is bad, ‘Drop It in 2016”

People that say “I’ll Get Back to You” but end up not getting back – This can be funny and also annoying. Imagine you contact someone and the person replies you with “I’ll get back to you” and you keep waiting for them endlessly without any response from them, then you decide to contact them again just for them to say they had forgotten. Sometimes we forget somethings but if you know you won’t remember to get back to someone give them their response immediately or tell them to remind you. Sometimes, people might need you to get back to them urgently while you don’t “Drop It in 2016”

People that are Always Asking for N5, N10, 20 – Giving is a good deed, its actually right when you give but you shouldn’t be at the receiving end all the time. To some people this act might be nothing to them but it can be annoying sometimes when someone keeps asking you for this little amount claiming they don’t have change. To an extent you can always predict they will do this anytime you’re with them. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask for money from friend or families when you’re not boxed up but too much of it doesn’t seem right. “Drop It in 2016”

People that Always Complain about other people’s Posts on Social Media – we all have different preferences, what might seem right to you, might be wrong to me. Complaining about someone’s post online might not be a bad one but doing it all the time can be bad. We are all entitled to our opinions, if you feel someone expresses his or her opinion wrongly you can correct them but why correct all the time when you can just overlook or unfollow the person. If you are always finding fault in other people’s opinion “Drop It in 2016”

People Who Never Keep to Time – if you have an outing with some people for 9AM and you call them by 8:50AM they might not be ready but claim they are already on their way, close to you. 9:30AM, they are nowhere to be found. When they finally appear 10AM they’ll have an excuse to give which might be intangible. People should learn to be time conscious, if you never keep to time “Drop It in 2016”

Procrastination: Procrastination they say is the theft of time. If you have something to do, why postpone it? We should always learn to do the right thing at the right time. If you’re always procrastinating “Drop It in 2016”

People who Feel their Opinions Are Always the Best – We learn every day; nobody is an island of knowledge. We should always learn to listen to the opinion of other people even if we feel yours is the best, learn to listen. When it comes to argument, some people are never ready to succumb even if they are wrong. “Drop It in 2016”

People who Are Always Owing – This might be funny but some people are fond of owing money, some people go to the extent of begging to get the money but when it gets to time to pay back, they are nowhere to be found. When you borrow money from someone always learn to return it at the right time, if you can’t return it when you’re supposed to let the person you’re owing know you still have them in mind. “Drop It in 2016”

Making Empty and False Promises –  Some people can promise heaven and earth while they know they can’t fulfil these promises. It’s bad when you make false promises. We should learn to keep to our words and always act right. If you fond of making empty and false promises “Drop It in 2016”

Getting Angry over unnecessary Things – Mood swings happen to people sometimes, we tend to have this change in attitude but we shouldn’t transfer it to others. We should all learn to be patient. In life, people will always annoy us but we don’t have to get angry to every little thing. Some people react to every negative attitudes towards them. Learning to act right is one thing people should learn, getting angry over unnecessary things is something people should “Drop It in 2016”

Unnecessary Laziness and Unnecessary Attitude – I term these things as unnecessary because somethings can be unnecessary. We all get lazy sometimes but some laziness and attitudes can be termed as unnecessary. For example, as a girl, a guy walks up to you and ask of your name, and you shun him instead of telling him your name or answering him politely that you can’t answer or someone tells you to do something because its within your reach but you tell them no because of laziness. “Drop It in 2016”

Reading all These and not Acting Right – All the things I stated above, most of us are guilty of them including me but reading all these and still not acting act is one thing we should leave in 2016, some of us are fond of getting corrections but not making use of them. Let’s learn to act right. 

Have a Blissful 2017.


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