Having recently turned 21, I decided to compile a list of 21 pieces of advice, life lessons, and tips that I've learned to acknowledge and accept over the course of my life, and maybe it'll be helpful to you.

1. How you treat people will never be the same as how they treat you. Don't expect someone else's love to come in the same form as yours.

2. You shouldn't have to tell someone to care about you or pay attention to you. If they want to, they will. If not, all you can do is move on.

3 Don't let the feel of failure stunt your creativity. Nothing you write, paint, create etc. will be perfect or  exactly how you want it be, and that's okay. 

4. Try not to date someone solely out of convenience. If you don't really click, just accept it and move on. Forcing a relationship never ends well, and besides there are plenty of people out there much more worthy of your time and attention.

5.Whoever you are, whoever you love, whatever you believe, embrace it. As long as you are not negatively affecting other people, you have no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed of who you are. 

6.Treat others with kindness and respect. There's already too much negativity in the world and in the country, so try your best to make other people feel welcome and respected.

7.Study and work hard, but don't put too much pressure on yourself. Grades are important, but they don't define who you are and they are certainly not an accurate measure of your intelligence.

8. Educate yourself. Whether it comes to politics or culture, don't let yourself remain ignorant. It's important to stay informed about what's going on in the world around you.

9.  Don't let life just happen to you. Voice your thoughts and opinions, work hard to achieve your goals, and do not sit idly by when others attempt to wreak havoc on your world. 

10.Not everything or everyone is permanent. Some people will come into your life and only stay for a little while, and others might make it to the very end. Not everything is meant to last, but that doesn't mean that it didn't mean anything or have any value.

11. Save your money. It's okay to splurge a little here and there, but it's important to have a decent amount tucked safely away. You never know when you might need it.

12. Take care of yourself. Self care is important for both your mental and physical health. Treating your body with love and respect will only help you in the end.

13. Allow yourself to set aside some time each week to de-stress and rejuvenate. 

14. It's okay to be vulnerable and show emotion. It doesn't make you weak or pathetic, it just makes you human. 

15. The Word “No” Needs To Exist In Your Vocabulary.

16. Everyone Has Issues

17. All’s Not Fair, Especially In Love And War. It just isn’t. Better to accept it now and see how you’ll overcome those barriers, rather than whining about how life’s not fair and use it as an excuse to do nothing.

18. You can find happiness in the littlest of things. And you can find hatred in the broad scheme of the world. It all comes down to perspective.

19. Not everyone grows at the same rate: Even though not everyone grows at the same rate, being there for someone through their highs and lows is critical. You can play a strong role in helping them get to where they want to be.

20. Your heart will break and it will hurt. 
This one is a tough one. At some point our hearts will break. I'm referring to losing a family member. Heart break is not beautiful, and it may be one of the most painful things you go through. They say it is necessary to go through and things will get better, but cliches aside, it really hurts and it takes more out of you than you think. But yes, it will get better and you will learn from it. 
21. And finally, enjoy life and live in the moment. Worrying about the future doesn't solve any problem. Instead, you'll miss incredible opportunities that are right in front of you.


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